
This website accepts Webmentions. Anytime you link to one of my posts from your website, for example,

<a href="https://tomas.jakl.one/path/to-my-post">Cool stuff!</a>

you can let me know about this by using the form on the bottom of my page. Then, automatically, a link to your page will appear as one of the “Responses”. This also works for tweets or anything else that mentions my website.

You can also add just a little bit more of html microformats and your link will give me more information (and then also show nicer below my posts). For example, if you write

<div class="h-entry">
    Any text explaining why what I wrote is some really
    <a class="u-like-of" href="https://tomas.jakl.one/path/to-my-post">
        cool stuff!

I will know that you “liked” my post. In place of u-like-of you can have u-in-reply-to, u-repost-of, or u-bookmark-of instead. If you go one step further, you can also add more information, such as, the content of your reply:

<div class="h-entry">
    <p><a class="u-in-reply-to" href="https://tomas.jakl.one">
        Cool stuff!
    <p class="e-content">This is your the message of your response.</p>

The most fancy version that gives me all the information is as follows:

<div class="h-entry">
    <div class="p-author h-card">
        <img class="u-photo" src="https://address.com/your-picture.png" />
        <a class="u-url p-name" href="https://your.homepage.com/">
            Your Name

    <p class="e-content">This is your the message of your response.</p>

    <p><a class="u-url" href="https://address.com/of/this-post-of-yours">
        <time class="dt-published" datetime="2018-06-30T17:15:00-0700">
            July 30, 2018

    <p><a class="u-in-reply-to" href="https://tomas.jakl.one/path/to-my-post">Link</a></p>

Although, I don’t display all this information yet, I might do it later on.

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