- 14-21 December - Domain theory and its applications, Tianyuan Mathematics Research Center (Yunnan)
- 19-21 November - 3rd Workshop on Logic, Graphs, and Algorithms (LogAlg 2025), Vienna, link
- 28 July - 8 August 2025, European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), Ruhr University Bochum, link
- 30 March - 04 April 2025, Categories for Automata and Language Theory, Wadern (Schloss Dagstuhl), link
- 8-13 September, Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets (SSAOS), Soláň (Czech Republic), link
From vector spaces and bilinear maps to monads, game comonads and Feferman-Vaught-Mostowski theorems
- 19-23 August, Advances in Modal Logic (AiML 2024) & Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMICS 2024), Prague
- 8-12 July, 37th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, Coimbra, link
Canonical extensions of frames via fitted sublocales and strongly exact filters
- 7 June, Structure meets Power Workshop IV (a LiCS/ICALP/FSCD 2024 workshop), Tallinn & online, link
[organising and programme committee]
- 1-5 July, Topology, Algebra, and Categories in Logic (TACL), Barcelona, link
A comonadic account of Feferman–Vaught–Mostowski theorems
- 2-3 May, Workshop on inductive definitions, Prague, link
- 9 April, Algebra colloquium, Prague link
From vector spaces and bilinear maps to monads, game comonads and Feferman-Vaught-Mostowski theorems
- 31 January - 10 February, research visit of the Theory Group in Birmingham
Feferman–Vaught–Mostowski theorems and game comonads, link
- 28-29 November, Prague Workshop on Kleene Algebra and Many-Valued Logic, Prague, link
- 15-17 November, 2nd Workshop on Logic, Graphs, and Algorithms (LogAlg 2023), Warsaw, link
Game comonads - a new kid in the finite model theory playground, slides
- 16-18 October, Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematics, Telč
- 18-20 September, A workshop associated with the newly published Samson Abramsky on Logic and Structure in Computer Science and Beyond book, London, link
Towards comonadic locality theorems, slides
- 17-19 July, Resources and Co-Resources closing workshop, Cambridge, link
A synthetic road to locality theorems, slides
- 25 June, Structure meets Power Workshop III (a LiCS 2023 workshop), Boston & online, link
[organising and programme committee]
- 21-23 September, Resources in Computation workshop, London, link
A structural account of composition methods in logic
- 8-19 August, 33rd European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Galway, link
Teaching an advance course “Relating Structure to Power: An Invitation to Game Comonads” jointly with Luca Reggio
- 4 July, Structure meets Power Workshop II (an ICALP 2022 workshop), Paris & online, link
[organising and programme committee]
- 20-24 June, Topology, Algebra, and Categories in Logic (TACL), Coimbra, link
[programme committee]
- 16-20 May, Duality and More (Workshop), Nice, link
Kleisli and Eilenberg-Moore Laws in the Setting of Game Comonads
- 4 April, G²OAT Seminar, FIT ČVUT
Game comonads in Finite Model Theory, video
- 10 January, Yorkshire and Midlands Category Theory Seminar, online, link
Game Comonads and Courcelle’s theorem
- 5-9 July, Applied Category Theory (ACT), link
Lovász-Type Theorems and Game Comonads
- 29 June - 02 July, 36th Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2021), online, link
Lovász-Type Theorems and Game Comonads
- 27-28 June, Structure meets Power Workshop, online, link
[organising and programme committee]
- 9-13 June, BLAST conference, online, link
- 29 March - 1 April, 24th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS 2021), link
A Duality Theoretic View on Limits of Finite Structures, video
25-30 April, FoSSaCS 2020(postponed)- 26 March, Online Workshop on Resources and Co-Resources, online, link
Quantifiers and Measures, Part II
25-27 March, Resources and Co-Resources Workshop, Cambridge, link(postponed)
- 9-13 December, Logic and Structure in Computer Science and Beyond, Leiden, link
- 11-16 August, Logic Colloquium 2019, Prague, link
On connections between logic on words and limits of graphs slides
- 17-21 June, Topology, Algebra, and Categories in Logic (TACL), Nice, link
[organising committee]
- 10-15 June, TACL Summer School, Île de Porquerolles, link
[organising committee]
- 9-10 May, Prague Gathering of Logicians 2019, link
- 27-29 September, Workshop on Algebra, Logic and Topology (in honour of Aleš Pultr, on the occasion of his 80th birthday), Coimbra, link
A pointfree account of Carathéodory’s Extension Theorem slides
- 12 September, Quantifiers and duality workshop, Paris, link
- 8 September, An Intersection of Neighbourhoods (Achim Jung Fest, in honour of his 60th birthday), link
- 2-6 July, International Workshop on Topological Methods in Logic VI (ToLo), Tbilisi, link
Free constructions and quotients of d-frames slides
- 11-15 December, School and Workshop on Univalent Mathematics, link (only partially participated)
- 24-25 June, Prague Seminar on Paraconsistent Logic II, Prague, link
Bitopological view on Belnap’s logic
- 26-30 June, Topology, Algebra, and Categories in Logic (TACL), Prague, link
A Vietoris functor for bispaces and d-frames slides
- 20-24 June, TACL Summer School, Olomouc, link
- 12-16 June, Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO), Ljubljana, link
Free Constructions and Coproducts of d-Frames
- 12-16 December, HOMONOLO (a combinatorial workshop), Nová Louka, link
- 9 December, Prague Workshop on Nonclassical Logics, Prague, link
- 3-8 October, Autumn school “Proof and Computation”, Aurachhof, link
- 1-5 August, Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, Leicester, link
Bitopology and four-valued logic
- 13-17 June, International Workshop on Topological Methods in Logic V (ToLo), Tbilisi, link
A Vietoris functor for d-frames slides
- 23-26 May, Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS), Pittsburgh, link
Bitopology and four-valued logic
- 11-15 April, Midlands Graduate School (MGS), Birmingham, link
- 11-13 June 2015, Prague seminar on Non-Classical Mathematics, Prague, link
- 22-26 April 2014, Midlands Graduate School (MGS), Nottingham, link
- 15-16 February 2013, A Gathering of Prague-Based Logicians, Prague, link
- 16-18 April 2012, Algebra & Coalgebra Meet Proof Theory (ALCOP), Prague, link
- 7-13 August 2011, Symposium on General Topology (TOPOSYM), Prague, link